Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct Lysoform Dr. Hans Rosemann GmbH
Status: 07.04.2020
Principles and Requirements
Any people/persons designated in male or female grammatical form in the following text shall encompass all types of human gender.
We commit ourselves and demand from our suppliers:
Legal Compliance
to comply with the laws of the applicable jurisdiction(s).
Prohibition of Corruption and Bribery
not to tolerate or engage in any form of corruption or bribery, including any unlawful solicitation or gratuity to influence decision making.
Respect for the Fundamental Rights of Employees1
to promote equal opportunity and equal treatment of employees regardless of skin colour, race, nationality, social origin, disability, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs, sex or age;
to respect the personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of each individual;
not to employ or force people to work against their will;
not to tolerate unacceptable treatment of employees, such as psychological hardship, sexual and personal harassment or discrimination;
not to tolerate conduct (including gestures, language and physical contact) that is sexual, coercive, threatening, abusive or exploitative;
to provide adequate remuneration and ensure the payment of the respective legal national minimum wage;
to observe the maximum legal working hours as laid down in the country concerned.
Prohibition of Child Labour2
not to employ anybody who cannot produce documentation of a minimum age of 15 years.
Employees’ Health and Safety
to assume responsibility for health and safety towards employees;
to contain risks and ensure the best possible precautionary measures against accidents and occupational diseases;
to provide training and ensure that all employees know the essentials of occupational safety.
Environmental protection3
to adhere to legal norms and international standards with regard to environmental protection;
to minimize environmental pollution and continuously improve environmental protection;
to promote compliance with the contents of the Code of Conduct by its suppliers in the best possible way;
to comply with the principles of non-discrimination in the selection and handling of its suppliers.
1 Declaration of Human Rights, Resolution 217 A (III), 10 December 1948:
2 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work:
3 The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, 1992: