

Experts around the world recommend disinfecting surfaces to minimize the risk of infection. Due to the increasing number of antibiotic-resistant, pathogenic germs, prevention through surface disinfection is of high importance. The selection of the active ingredient is of particular importance in this area. This is because the active ingredient determines the exposure time and price. In surface disinfection, too, the respective individual risk must be taken into account. You will find a wide range of products in order to be able to react safely and economically to every situation.

Our product range


Lysoform Surface disinfection Aerodesin


Rapid disinfection of medical devices (surface disinfection acc. to VAH-methods)

Lysoform Surface disinfection Aerodesin 2000

Aerodesin® 2000

Rapid disinfection of medical devices (surface disinfection acc. to VAH-methods)

Lysoform Surface disinfection Aldasan 2000 / Aldosan 2000-CH

Aldasan® 2000 / Aldosan® 2000-CH

Concentrate for the disinfection of medical devices and other objects through wiping or submersion

Lysoform Surface disinfection Blanchipon


Cleaning of instruments and surfaces of medical devices

Lysoform Surface Cleaning Blanisol Alkoholreiniger

Blanisol® Alkoholreiniger

Alcoholic concentrate for the gentle cleaning of surfaces

Lysoform surface cleaning Blanisol-Duftreiniger

Blanisol® Duftreiniger

Gentle scented cleaning concentrate for surfaces

Lysoform Instruments surface cleaning Blanisol Pur

Blanisol® Pur

Instrument and surface cleaning of medical devices

Lysoform Surface disinfection Clorina


Wiping disinfection of medical devices (surface disinfection acc. to VAH-methods)

Lysoform medical devices disinfection Fugaten


Wiping disinfection of medical devices

Lysoform disinfection medical device Fugaten Spray

Fugaten® Spray

Rapid disinfection of medical devices (surface disinfection acc. to VAH-methods)

Lysoform disinfection medicin device Hospisept-Tuch


Wiping disinfection of medical devices

Ly-Fresh Geruchsvernichter Spray



Lysoform instruments disinfection Lysoformin 3000

Lysoformin® 3000

Disinfection of medical devices (surfaces and instruments) through wiping or submersion

Lysoform disinfection medicin device Lysoformin Plus-Foam

Lysoformin® Plus-Foam

Spray disinfection of medical devices (surface disinfection)

Lysoform disinfection medicin device Lysoformin rapid

Lysoformin® rapid

Wiping disinfection of medical devices (surface disinfection acc. to VAH-methods)

Lysoform disinfection medicin device Lysoformin rapid wipes

Lysoformin® rapid wipes

Impregnated wipes for quick wiping disinfection and cleaning of medical devices and (small) surfaces in patient environments in the medical and veterinarian industry

Lysoform disinfection medical device Lysoformin spezial

Lysoformin® spezial

Wiping disinfection of medical devices (surface disinfection acc. to VAH-methods)