Lysoform instruments disinfection Lysoformin 3000

Lysoformin® 3000

Disinfecting and cleaning concentrate for instruments, equipment and surfaces; particularly appropriate for flexible endoscopes
BAuA: Reg-Nr.: N-12657; N-12658; N-12659
Range of application
  • disinfection and cleaning of instruments, endoscopes, as well as equipment and surfaces and textiles (in separate steps) in case of all bacterial (incl. TBC and viral infections
  • control of nosocomial infections

100 g solution contains:
7.5 g Glyoxal
9.5 g Glutaral
9.6 g Didecyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride
Isotridecanol (ethoxylated)


Use Lysoformin 3000 safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

Neukundenangebot (Lieferung nur innerhalb Deutschlands)
Produkt bestellen

Bestellmenge in VE / Lieferformen / Preis

€ 22,94 / Liter
€ 20,17 / Liter

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