Hands, skin and body

Hands, skin and body

Hands are the „main tools“ in hospital and elderly care. It is therefore all the more important, and by no means a luxury, to pay particular attention to cleaning, protecting and caring for the skin: Irritated or even damaged skin cannot be disinfected. If the hands fail, the doctors and/or nurses are also no longer fit for duty. For this reason, the German Employer’s Liability Insurance Association (Berufsgenossenschaft) stipulates in its „Rules for Safety and Health during Disinfection Work in the Health Service“ the use of cleaning agents that are as mild as possible and the regular application of care products. You will find a wide range of products in order to be able to react safely and economically to any situation.

Our product range

Hands, skin and body

Lysoform Skin disinfection ACO-care sensitive

ACO®-care sensitive

Intensive skin care, free of perfumes and colorants

Lysoform Hand disinfection ACO-derm sensitive

ACO®-derm sensitive

Alcoholic hand disinfectant, free if perfumes and colorants

Lysoform ACO san 700 ml


Mild washing lotion

Lysoform Hand Disinfectant AHD 2000 G

AHD 2000® G

Rub-in disinfectant for hand and skin acc. to VAH-methods

Lysoform Hand Disinfectant AHD 2000 G (HyBag)

AHD 2000® G (HyBag)

Hand Disinfectant

Lysoform Hand disinfection AHD 2000/CH

AHD 2000®/CH (Sterisol)

Hand Disinfectant

Lysoform Hand Disinfectant Amosept


Hygienic hand wash and cleansing acc. to VAH-methods

Lysoform Hand disinfection Hospisept


Rub-in disinfectant for hand and skin acc. to VAH-methods

Lysoform Hand disinfection Hospisept gefärbt

Hospisept® gefärbt

Coloured skin disinfection for application acc. to VAH-methods

Lysoform Skin regeneration and protection Luphenil


Skin regeneration and protection

Lysoform footspray FUSS-SPRAY

Lysoform® FUSS-SPRAY

Cools and relaxes tired feet, stops perspiration odours

Lysoform cooling spray ICE-FIT-SPRAY


Relaxing body spray cooling and relaxation of musculature

Lysoform Skin protection Majola-H5-Creme


Skin protection sensitive

Lysoform Händedesinfektion, Manorapid Basic

Manorapid® Basic


Lysoform Händedesinfektion, Manorapid Synergy

Manorapid® Synergy

Alkoholische Lösung für die hygienische und chirurgische Händedesinfektion in Bereichen mit erhöhtem Risiko der Kontamination mit Viren

Lysoform Hand Disinfectant Neoseptin


Hand disinfection acc. to VAH-methods and disinfection of medical devices

Lysoform Händedesinfektion Poly-Alcohol Haut-Antisepticum farblos

Poly-Alcohol Haut...farblos Antisepticum

Gebrauchsfertiges Hautantiseptikum zur präoperativen Behandlung der Haut, vor Inzisionen, Punktionen und Injektionen

Lysoform Händedesinfektion Poly-Alcohol Haut-Antisepticum gefärbt

Poly-Alcohol Haut...gefärbt Antisepticum

Gebrauchsfertiges Hautantiseptikum zur präoperativen Behandlung der Haut, vor Inzisionen, Punktionen und Injektionen

Lysoform Poly-Alcohol Hände-Antisepticum

Poly-Alcohol Hände-Antisepticum

Alkoholisches Händedesinfektionsmittel für die hygienische und chirurgische Händedesinfektion