Lysoform Surface disinfection Clorina


Disinfection of surfaces, equipment and medical devices by wiping
BAuA: Reg-Nr.: N-12730; N-12731; N-12732; N-12733
Range of application
  • control of bacteria (incl. tb), fungus and viruses
  • disinfection of surfaces and laundry
  • disinfection of surfaces, laundry and sputum in case of epidemics (lfsG)

1 g powder contains:
Active ingredient:
1000 mg Sodium tosylchloramid • 3H2O (= sodium p-toluenesulfonchloramide)


Use Clorina safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

Neukundenangebot (Lieferung nur innerhalb Deutschlands)
Produkt bestellen

Bestellmenge in VE / Lieferformen / Preis

€ 32,68 / Stück
€ 171,56 / Stück

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