Lysoform Hand Disinfectant Neoseptin


Hand Disinfectant

Alcoholic hand disinfectant disinfection of small surfaces and medical devices

BAuA: Reg-Nr.: N-39624; N-39623; N-39625
Range of application
  • control of bacteria (tb included), fungus and viruses
  • disinfection of hands as well as of small surfaces and medical devices

100 g solution contains:
79,9 g Ethanol 96 %


Use Neoseptin safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

Neukundenangebot (Lieferung nur innerhalb Deutschlands)
Produkt bestellen

Bestellmenge in VE / Lieferformen / Preis

€ 5,15 / Stück
€ 9,11 / Liter

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